Everything becomes a moment to teach you why they are right and you are wrong. They have to take the opposite side to you in everything. But if we think in terms of just, behaviours that are not gaslighting but may ve seen in conjuction with it from an abusive individual - they constantly create arguments. There's such a huge range there that you could ve there all day. Narcissistic behaviours as in behaviours from someone with npd or similar. 'I never said that', 'I never did that', 'you're remembering wrong, there's something wrong with your memory', 'you're always overreacting/you're too sensitive'.īasically behaviours designed to make you question your own memories, right to basic respect and sanity.Looking at you with a blank stare as if you're not making any sense when you are explaing something like why their obviously hurtful behaviour is hurtful (pro tip: if you ever find yourself doing this, you're likely in an abusive relationship).
If asked about it, they'll sware they 'never said that' first lot of stuff. telling you one thing one day and the complete opposite the next.